… Day 8 Trash ..

It was just such a bad trash day that I couldn’t ignore Day 8.

Also my dad, who sits on a big eco-friendly recycling board, wants me to clarify that polystyrene (not “styrofoam” as I called it, which is a trade name) is indeed recyclable and the issue is that London will not recycle it (but Toronto does).  He says the foam recycling process is high-energy but emission free, and in many ways ecologically friendlier than plastic recycling.

Here goes (sob): (the sob is for my trash and my food intake):

2 tim hortons cups (didn’t drink the second one, even)
2 tim hortons bags
1 starbucks cup
1 ziplock
1 granola bar wrapper
1 bandaid
1 aquafina bottle again (didn’t even recycle, lost it somewhere)
1 straw wrapper, 1 straw!
1 beef jerky bag (protein).
1 wine bottle (shared, recycled).
[medical trash!!]